WordPress Rich Reviews Plugin Under New Ownership
Written by: Ryan Flannagan
Rich Review has been taken over by StarFish Reviews.
You can download the latest version via WordPress
Ryan Flannagan
Ryan Flannagan is the Founder & CEO of Nuanced Media, an international eCommerce marketing agency specializing in Amazon. Nuanced has sold $100s of Millions online and Ryan has built a client base representing a total revenue of over 1.5 billion dollars. Ryan is a published author and has been quoted by a number of media sources such as BuzzFeed, CNBC, and Modern Retail.
after the current update i cant modify the output text to german language. can i translate it?
Hi Manuel,
I don’t believe we changed anything that would have caused this issue, however we will look into it further. Once we have a solution then I will happily let you know on here, and if it was a mistake on our part, expect an update as soon as possible. Thank you for pointing out the issue.
Hi, after my update, my reviews no longer show on my site. Please help!
Hey Kirsten,
The update from version 1.5.3 to 1.5.4 was simply a deletion of links to the FoxyTechnology website. We didn’t edit any on the functionality of the plugin. Were you updating from an older version? Or did you update anything else along with Rich Reviews? Let us know in an email to [email protected] and we will happily look into the issue with you.
After the update I’m getting yellow bars with the actual html code at the top of the page. The reviews still show at the bottom of the page. http://expressauto.com/express-auto-locations/reviews/
Thanks again for pointing this issue out to us! Glad we got it resolved quickly.
is the plugin have jquery validation?
I installed this plugin to my blog but its not working what is the solution guide me plz.
It is activated by default comment form is showing.
I’m trying to get this to work on my wordpress site, and I’m having a problem with enabling javascript? Here: http://www.rippsychictherapist.com/client-reviews/ I put the short codes into this page for both the form and the show, but as you can see, nothing actually appears on the page at all. Am I doing something wrong?
I’m using v1.5.6 and it’s displaying the reviews in ascending order of ID.
This seems a bit of a strange way to approach it, as the newest
reviews are given an ID that is higher than the previous review and
therefore the newest reviews aren’t seen if you limit by number shown on
a page.
I’ve read some other solutions to have the reviews show by ID desc –
but they don’t seem to work with 1.5.6. Ideally, I’d like then to show
in datetime order, with the newest first, but happy to go with ID desc
if necessary (as it will achieve pretty much the same result).
Hey Daniel,
I just finished coding a solution for this. Expect an update to be release in the next few days.
Thanks for the response. Look forward to getting hold of the update.
Love the plugin but have a couple questions about it. When submitting a review with a backslash or forward-slash character, it shows up in my plugin’s dashboard but does not display on my live page (using WordPress v. 3.9.1). Attached screenshot for example. The live page has nothing fancy, using generic font-family (Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif). What could be the issue for not recognizing those characters?
Other question is there a way when you display multiple reviews on a page/post to show the title of the review post?
Hey Seth,
I just coded out a solution to all of your issues. Expect it to be release in an update soon.
Hi Seth,
The updates that I previously mentioned have been released.
I tried to write 1/5 in the review but it came up as 15. Also, put post name or permalink instead of post ID to make it easier to manage. Also, the instructions are quite good for a plugin but could be much clearer. E.g. pictures on the side to explain what each shortcode does.
Hey Chris,
This issue should be fixed with the recent updates.
I have probably set this up wrong, but the text is just taking up a tiny column width and going down and not across despite being in a full width section.
I am using the Divi theme from elegant themes.
Any ideas?
Hey Mike,
We well happily help you out but in order to do so we would have to look at the site. Could you email a link to the page at [email protected] so that we look at the styles being applied? Thank you.
Would like to get the review to display/stack differently…is this possible, if so then how?
Or is there a way to get them to stack vertically in the side bar within the widgets?
Hey MAMA Nebraska,
There are two ways to display the reviews in a widget. You can use the shortcode in a text widget or you can use the built in widget. The short code will display three reviews side by side, and the widget will display them stacked vertically. If you have issues with the display of either than feel free to email us at [email protected] and we can help you further.
Widget works great…would love one that allows me to choose the number of reviews displayed
How do I add the form widget to my sidebar?
Hey José Del Valle Cordero,
You can add the form short code to a text area widget and it should display the the form in the same way that it does on a normal page but in the sidebar instead.
I’m getting this error while trying to display the reviews, it seems that it’s unable to find them
Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_the_permalink() in /home/nosaraspanish/public_html/nsi/wp-content/plugins/rich-reviews/rich-reviews.php on line 485
Hey I have a couple of problems that I would like help with.
1. How do I extend the width/height of the comments? I have changed the layout so there’s only one comment per line and the rest follow vertically, which instead mean that I have a whole lot of empty space on the right side of the comments. I would like to extend the comments’ witdth to double or more.
2. How do I get rid of the quotation mark? Searching for ” in the plugin seems like a dead end.
3. My website is built this way:
– Operator
– Product-page 1
– Product-page 2
– Product-page 3
up to Product-page 25~
People can comment and rate on any of the products and on every page I have inserted [RICH_REVIEWS_SNIPPET category=”page”] in order to get the average rating on top of every product-page.
I would like to have the top five or ten products in the sidebar but can’t quite understand how to do that. As you probably can tell I’m not the brightest website-operator but I would appreciate the help!
Hey again,
I would also like to do the following (which I believe can’t be done right now):
1. http://www.example1.com – a site with multiple products that can be rated with your plugin.
2. http://www.example2.com – a news site with no products or anything, ONLY the average rating of the top 5 products from http://www.example1.com – Is it doable?
Appreciate the help and thanks in advance!
Regards, Pat
Is there a way to show the aggregate score from a post on a page showing excerpts. I want to use a grid layout and these typically display the post image, excerpt and number of comments. It would be great to add the aggregate score as well.
I really like this plugin so far. Do you think the ability to send notifications of new reviews via email is something that will be added on in the future?
Hey geoffyuen,
This is something that we would really like to include and are looking into it for a future release.
This would be awesome!! Thanks
Is this plugin being actively developed.. Are requests for features going to get done? as there are quite a few features i would like to add to it myself. If i write the code and send it to you are you able to include it?
Hey Zac,
This plugin is indeed being actively developed. We have a small team that is working on our free plugins when the time is available. If your features fit with our main goal on the plugins, and we think that other users would use the feature, then we will happily do our best to fit the features into the next feature release.
anyway i can resize the stars?, make them bigger basically?.
Hi Adam,
If you think of the stars as a letter, then you can alter the font the exact same way that you would your font in your theme. If you don’t have access to CSS files then at the moment there is no way for you so alter the star size.
Trying this plugin out on a wordpress site under development. Rich Reviews works well but I’m having one problem: after submitting a review, when I reload the page the form resends so I’m getting duplicate reviews pending approval. This is happening in Firefox and Safari. What do I do?
Any answer for Bud on this? I am experiencing the same issue. And the user has to refresh the page to see the comment. What could be causing this?
I’ve just seen this posted at the WordPress plugin page also but no answer there.
It would be great to have some help from the developer here, because it renders the plugin unusable.
I never did get any response on this. Gave up and moved on.
Bud, we have spoken with Kirsty and will be providing a workaround for this specific issue. If you are interested in this yourself, please let us know and we can be sure to get it to you as well. This patch will also be integrated as an option in the next release.
Wow, that was unexpected! I’ll keep it in mind. Thanks Ryan.
The plug in works great. Except I can’t get it to randomize the order of displaying reviews. Any hints?
Hi ! Great plugin, very functionnal and easy to use.
Just one question : is there a way to paginate reviews when we display them all ?
Is this schema.org compatible? Cheers 🙂
Hi, I am new to short codes, can anyone tell me what file do I enter them in to get the plug in to work? i want it to work with each product. I put a rich review widget on the page but it doesn’t do anything. thanks!
ok figured it out but does anyone know how to control the size of the box. it is running underneath my product descriptions? is there a way to resize it? thank you,
How do I change the width of the widget for the reviews. it is overlapping some other info on the page. You can see it on the left of the page: http://thecrystalshop.us/amethyst-agate-crystal-geode-sphere/
how to set url of this form
can someone please tell me what file you are supposed to put the short codes in?
Love this plugin. I am trying the get the reviews to appear one above the other in a page. I saw a comment earlier that said the widget allows this but can’t seem to use the widget in the page? Help!
Would like to ask how to:
1. Make the reviews horizontal. i.e. take up one whole line
2. Allow for line breaks in the review. Right now it’s all lumped together.
Is there a way to show 3 random reviews from the entire list of approved reviews? I want them to switch up.
When I enter reviews in the back office, these get assigned a date stamp “0000-00-00 00:00:00”; they don’t show up on the website itself. Reviews which are entered using the publicly available form show up nicely. I’m using the latest WP version 4.0 with the TwentyTwelve theme and RIch Reviews version 1.5.8. Cheers
I have an identical problem. WP version 4.0 with the Ward-Pro theme. All admin added reviews don’t show up, ones created through the form appear perfectly.
Also admin added reviews get assigned a date stamp “0000-00-00 00:00:00”;
After installing rich reviews plug-in, on the widgets page of the appearance section in my dashboard, I only see the “rich reviews show all”. I do not see the short code [RICH_REVIEWS_SHOW], [RICH_REVIEWS_FORM], or the [RICH_REVIEWS_SNIPPET] which are the three that I would like to use. As a test I was able to drag and drop the “rich reviews show all” to the sidebar. I assume it’s there (I have no reviews yet) because its title and credit for your company shows. I do not see anything that I recognize as a “text area widget” (is this a function of the theme?) as you mentioned to José below. Please tell me how I can implement rich reviews!
I placed the shortcode [RICH_REVIEWS_SHOW] into a sidebar text widget along with the [RICH_REVIEWS_FORM] and the [RICH_REVIEWS_SNIPPET]. While the latter two display and function correctly, the [RICH_REVIEWS_SHOW] displays the review text in a column where each row is only one word wide.
Like so…
Hi Folks,
is there a po/mo language file for Rich Reviews? If yes I would gladly contribute a German Translation. Greetz, Hannes
Hi Hannes,
Currently there is not a po/mo file for Rich reviews but we are looking into this in the future. If you would be willing to provide translations then please contact us as [email protected]. We would like to provide translations in the future and would appreciate any help.
I have this plugin downloaded for my wordpress site and yesterday the reviews we have were showing on the website and now today I came on and they are not showing… What happened? I have all the shortcodes in the right places and the reviews are all still in approved status.
Hi Anna,
I apologize for my delayed response. I haven’t responded yet because we haven’t had the opportunity to look into your issue and see if the issue is a coding problem on our end. We will look into it as soon as we can. If you email us at [email protected] then we will work more quickly with you to get this issue resolved.
Any ideas as to how to align the reviews and form? Required Field * are inside the literal, and the button looks funny. It allows a review to be entered, but looks wierd. Also the quotes are displayed inside the text of the review. I would appreciate any help you can offer. http://www.hamiltonmartialarts.org/
Is there a way for the user to edit or delete their review?
Does anyone respond on here anymore? Is there another place I should be posting my questions? I am using this plugin on a medical website, where users of the community can share their experience with various treatments. But users would like to update their reviews as they gain more experience with a treatment.
Hi TSpar,
I apologize for our delayed response, we have been very busy as of late. Currently there is not a way for users to be able to update their reviews. The only way that a review could be edited would be through the admin user on the settings page.
Hi. Great plugin. 2 problems that I hope you can help me with. First, admin reviews I create have no date stamp, showing as 00-000-00. And, when I choose to show ‘Star Snippets’ (#1 from options menu) in the post instead of a numeric value, it stops showing in Structured Data Testing Tool, until I revert back to a numeric value. Anything I can do to have stars in post snippet AND still show in google’s testing tool?
I’m having a problem numeric code is showing instead of star. How I be able to show the star.
Hi. I switched to this plugin, and love it, but I need HELP. I’d like to manipulate, change or create and upload a file (text wrangler / text / cvs) containing data from over 500 reviews. Can anyone tell exactly where the ‘approved reviews’ data is stored within the plugin, plugin content, or my self-hosted wordpress files? Really appreciate any assistance. Luke in OZ.
Hi, Thank you for your work on this plug in. I have done the requested ack on my pages. I have two questions:
1) You mention that the ‘external CSS’ means that the look and feel can be configured, but I cannot see anywhere how to do this. Where is the ‘external CSS and how do I change it?
2) I use another profile builder plug in by CMSHelplive. They do not offer a ‘Customer Review’ option, so I tried yours, however the profile builder is called from a single page for whichever profile you want and those are displayed on the same page, thus I cannot use the ‘global’ option because each profiled user is different and I cannot use the single page option because they all go through the same page and every review displays under every profile.
The website is: http://www.thecontentregister.co.uk
Any suggestions please short of allocating a separate category to every profile?
The submit review form is not working. When I try to click on the ratings stars nothing happens. I am not able to select any stars. I have tried Chrome and Firefox and turned off all of my plugins.
I realized it isn’t working because I have more than one review form on a page. I want to have review forms for 3 different categories on one page. I want them to be able to go to one page to review our different services but have them broken out by category so I can display the reviews on the individual services pages that they apply to using categories. When I use the shortcode for the the reviews form (the category version of the code) more than once on the same page the rating field only works for the first form and not the rest. Is there a way to fix this? I don’t want to use separate pages for every form.
Rich reviews is an awesome pluging. It really looks great and is easily to adjust as you wish.
I only have one thing i cant resolve, and that is that everytime someone fills in the form i get 3 pending approvals. I know this has to be just 1 pending approval off course.
Any idea how i can fix this?
Thanks in advance:)
Hey Karim,
Glad we could discuss this off line and fix the issue. If you have anything else you need help with, please feel free to reach out to us.
how to show review per post?
i am using
[RICH_REVIEWS_SHOW id=”80″] for post
but still showing all reviews on all posts.
Hello, what is the solution for this?
It’s great plugin but there is one issue like i am not able to show review of particular post , It’s showing all the reviews of all the post even i am passing specific post id. Please help me