Real Website Objectives

Written by: Ryan Flannagan
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What Are Your Real Website Objectives?

Everyone has a website nowadays. Whether it’s for your company, your own work, or for you personally; it’s hard to escape the digital realm. Besides the obvious self-promotion, what does a website actually do for your company? When buying a new website what are your real objectives? Do you wish to grow your business through your website or just have it perform as another online billboard? As an experienced Phoenix web design agency, we are here to share some insider tips on what you should keep an eye out for.

These are probably questions you don’t think of often.

So, let’s figure out what your real objectives behind getting a website really are.

Do You Want A New Website For Credibility?

  • 75% of users admit to making judgments about a company’s credibility based on their website design (Kinesis)

Ever go to a really bad website? You probably have; they tend to be very easy to run into. The first thing that comes to mind probably isn’t, “I want to invest more time and energy into this.” First impressions are 94% design-related (Red Stage). It takes the blink of an eye to judge a website at face value, so regardless of the information and value you might want to provide; for your consumer, if it looks bad, it’s bad.

This “bad” website will not only lose a customer but is continuously losing credibility as a business. When you can’t invest time into an effective website; what else can’t you put time into?


Do You Need To Increase Sales and Leads?

Your website should always be your number 1 salesperson. If it’s not, there might be another objective to add to your list. Your website should be one of the top reasons people want to buy from you and your company; if done correctly, it will draw people in and keep them there, plus creating new leads. A beautiful website in most people’s eyes means a beautiful product. A credible website means a credible service. All these aspects go into a high sales revenue and new clients. These all go hand in hand but tend to sometimes go unnoticed in the search to develop a new website.


Do You Need To Showcase New Career Opportunities?

At least in my experience as part of the Millennial Generation, one of the first things I do, before I apply to a company for a new job, is check out their website. Most people probably do the same; whether it is to learn more about the corporation or to figure out if this company is even worth their time.

While this is not unrelated to showing credibility to your consumers, it adds a new element to it. Showcasing jobs will also add many more dimensions to your website, and will require development skills if it is done correctly.


Are You Expanding Your Business?

Business expansion is always a good sign. Your business is booming, sales are skyrocketing, and it’s time to grow your company even more. Could that be a website objective?


A new website will show the past, current, and future clients that your company is not only expanding in location but expanding to a newer, bigger, more advanced website.


These are all examples of things you should think about when the decision to pursue a new website comes to mind, and may vary for each type of business. However, the main point stays the same: Websites are no longer meant to just look good, but should provide be a valuable asset to your company. Your site should be your largest marketing asset, and if done correctly should be your best salesperson. Are you thinking about re-designing your website to include these objectives and possibly a few more custom additions? Check out our Website Cost Calculator and estimate the costs of your re-imagined website.

Ryan Flannagan

Ryan Flannagan is the Founder & CEO of Nuanced Media, an international eCommerce marketing agency specializing in Amazon. Nuanced has sold $100s of Millions online and Ryan has built a client base representing a total revenue of over 1.5 billion dollars. Ryan is a published author and has been quoted by a number of media sources such as BuzzFeed, CNBC, and Modern Retail.

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