Tucson Advertising and the Internet

Written by: Ryan Flannagan
Home 9 Nuanced Thoughts 9 Tucson Advertising and the Internet

In today’s bustling world, it’s pretty much impossible to track one person’s habits, much less those of an entire population. There is almost no solid way to connect media advertising to sales. It is difficult for companies to determine exact returns on investment for media advertising as a result.

Business owners are looking for a 21st century solution. Tucson provides the perfect environment for experimentation with different advertising methods. When it comes to Tucson advertising, businesses are at an advantage. The city’s population is arguably a rich sample of the diversity existing in the United States, and so efforts to modernize marketing approaches could give insight to advertising effectiveness in every area.

Since there is still overall no concrete way to prove most media advertisements affect sale trends, though, how are companies supposed to know if they are shelling out thousands of dollars in vain? Television commercials offer a compelling example. During the Super Bowl every year, audiences tune in anticipating over-the-top commercials that result from fierce competition between big name companies. Although we can all share a good laugh over some of the slapstick humor and witty puns these advertising strategists employ, there is no data that necessarily illustrates a long term increase in sales because of these television advertisements.

Print media is also guilty of these drastic advertising measures. Unfortunately, not every company has the financial freedom to throw billions of dollars down a dark hole and hope that those know-it-all campaign managers will not use any embarrassing ploys that ruin sales rather than maximize them. For that reason, radio advertising returns generate more success profit-wise because of specialization, their secret weapon.

There is no point in throwing a die and hoping for the best if you can easily advertise directly to the wants and needs of a specific, predictable audience. Studies by the Radio Ad Lab show radio taking in 49% more return on investment than those decadent TV ads, and this success is all thanks to experts zoning in on target audiences. You can assume the teens are probably not listening to news talk radio, while senior citizens are rarely caught busting a move to the hottest hip hop station in town. As for print media, radio often comes out on top against their competition as well, since most people do not reread a magazine daily but will religiously tune into their favorite radio persona throughout the week. Radio’s biggest advantage is also its downfall, though, since specialization limits consumption of a product to the same one or two audiences over and over again. There is little chance to increase profits if the audience growth is stagnant.

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Basically, every advertising form has its kryptonite. Internet advertising, however, is still not revered as much as it should be, especially here in Tucson, for its effectiveness or return on investment traceability, both of which are worth mentioning. Like radio segments, internet ads, too, specialize. The difference is that this specialization does not go to waste thanks to search engines, where anyone can search for the topic relating to an ad at any time and find out about the business sponsoring it. Internet ads take the finer points of media marketing, like visual presentations and product placement, and simplify them into accessible form. Instead of spending an arm and a leg to whip out a 30 second ad that some people might not remember, internet advertising stays put, so any money put towards a web ad is already that much better spent. Speaking of spending arms and legs, you don’t have to with internet ads.

Advertisers only pay for a measurable amount of interaction with customers who click on their ads online, as opposed to aired or print ads that make advertisers throw a lump sum at designers and pray that fate is on their side. Streamlining this advertisement payment process has sparked internet advertising to gain popularity faster. Businesses can easily track how many people are clicking on the links found in their advertisements and relate the data back to actual profits. According to research conducted by the firm eMarketer, internet sales in 2009 were projected to reach 24.5 billion dollars, which was a 4.8% increase from 2008.

In 2012, these numbers have undoubtedly risen to parallel the rise in internet’s popularity as well as businesses’ awareness of online advertising effectiveness. Tucson businesses could benefit big time from the virility of internet ads. If Tucson businesses start emphasizing concentration on internet advertising more than other types of media, the community’s response could help the local economy to flourish. You can follow this link for more tips on successfully running a local business in Tucson using today’s technology. Nuanced Media is a premier Tucson and Phoenix based marketing agency, and our experts are always willing to answer your questions about optimizing your marketing strategy.

Ryan Flannagan

Ryan Flannagan is the Founder & CEO of Nuanced Media, an international eCommerce marketing agency specializing in Amazon. Nuanced has sold $100s of Millions online and Ryan has built a client base representing a total revenue of over 1.5 billion dollars. Ryan is a published author and has been quoted by a number of media sources such as BuzzFeed, CNBC, and Modern Retail.

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