ResellerRatings Review
Written by: Ryan Flannagan

What is ResellerRatings?

With over a decade of experience, ResellerRatings is considered to be the foremost review platform service for products and services . Host to over 1,849 retail brands, the company also maintains the largest syndication network of any of its competitors. To further pursue their mission of highlighting the best online retailers, ResellerRatings joined in 2012, giving them the ability to reach a broader audience.



This platform faces competition from long-standing rivals such as Shopper Approved, as well as emerging players such as Trustpilot.

  • Shopper Approved is considered to be an all-in-one inclusive service that delivers more value for cost than its competitors.
  • Trustpilot is ascending quickly, realizing a customer base growth of 270% since 2013.



  • Similarly to that of TrustPilot, the platform has chosen to hide its pricing plans behind a shroud of a sophisticated algorithm which seems a bit complex for those want simple tiered pricing.
  • However, for companies that are looking for a more customized solution to their problem, this in-depth approach may be a welcome process.
  • After calling ResellerRatings and asking for pricing for a small business we were given (after several hours) a quote starting at $199.99 a month. While it appears the quote was customized for our “company’s” personal needs, no other pricing information was given.
  • Since 2012, they have been the center attention in a negative manner, due to shady pricing practices which have resulted in the customer outrage. For example, Reseller Ratings issued a monthly rate increase from $99 to $400, delivered buried within a what seemed to be a generic marketing email.
  • On the bright side, there is no yearlong commitment, and a free 30 day trial of the platform is available.


Ease of Use

Although the pricing may not be fully transparent, surely, given their years of experience in the field, ResellerRatings has mastered the craft of building the best user experience?

  • The easiest part of the using the platform was installing the code onto a website.
  • Walls of text hindered direction and convenience while trying to navigate the site.
  • There are four main tabs in the navigation bar: Tools, Consumer Care, Reports & Data, and Getting Started, that present their sub contents on the left.


Advanced Tools and Core Features

ResellerRatings isn’t short on features. The platform covers the basics, as well as providing:

  • Two day review buffering,
  • Exit surveys,
  • An intelligence dashboard for analyzing competitors,
  • Largest syndication network that reaches the largest audience possible,
  • Quickly acquired reviews, that do not require code implementation.


Competitive Advantages

As aforementioned, the biggest competitive advantage that ResellerRatings possesses is their syndication network, which broadens their reach and attracts a larger audience for their customers.

  • Furthermore, they list over 68,000 merchant brands which illustrate the trust they have built over the last decade.
  • The recent acquisition of ResellerRatings will further increase their market reach.



Over the past few years, the company has come face to face with many issues and been exposed to some serious accusations. These issues could ultimately damage their long-standing reputation of trust with the consumer irreparably.
There have been many claims by customers surrounding the company’s unethical practices:

  • Altering reviews,
  • Sending vague, hidden notifications of unreasonable price hikes,
  • Questionable validity of reviews,
  • The permanent removal of reviews when a merchant cancels their account.

There are other minor issues in regards to the platforms UI and general pricing, but their controversial claims and reputation should be handled carefully. Only recently have they altered their policy so merchants would retain their reviews in the case of canceling the service. Although they have started to feel public pressure to clean up their actions, ResellerRatings is dealing with a large blow to their public image.


Verdict – Comprehensive Yet Questionable

As with any informed business decision, we encourage you to conduct your own research, and come to your own conclusion about what is best for your unique situation and your specific business. This platform does have some major upsides in the comprehensive features it provides; however, it is plagued by the controversy surrounding questionable business practices in their client relationships, making it necessary to tread lightly.


Full Disclosure – Nuanced Media has recently gone into a partnership with Shopper Approved. All research was done previously of this relationship as we wanted to remain as unbiased as possible to give you the best and most accurate information about these Seller Rating Extensions.

Ryan Flannagan

Ryan Flannagan is the Founder & CEO of Nuanced Media, an international eCommerce marketing agency specializing in Amazon. Nuanced has sold $100s of Millions online and Ryan has built a client base representing a total revenue of over 1.5 billion dollars. Ryan is a published author and has been quoted by a number of media sources such as BuzzFeed, CNBC, and Modern Retail.

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