Medical Web Design Trends

Written by: Ryan Flannagan
Home 9 Nuanced Thoughts 9 Medical Web Design Trends

As a medical professional, there is a chance that in the past you have not been the least bit worried about web design or the trends that garner it. However, as time has progressed you have begun to notice the tech boom and the changes it is bringing to your industry. Today 25% of patients look up doctor reviews and 75% of people have used the internet to do research on a hospital or private practice. So now you have to begin thinking about if your practice needs and website, or if you already have one if it is up to par. Needing a website is one thing, but knowing what your website needs is another. You could leave it up to your web designer, or you could find out exactly what the top medical practices are doing to their websites to connect with their patients and clearly communicate their brand. The combination of knowledge will ensure your site as a professional site with all the latest trends. Lucky for you, we have already conducted research and as a digital marketing agency, we have several medical clients for whom we have designed sites adhering to all the latest trends.


Responsive Web Design

First, one of the most important things for a medical website is that it have responsive web design. Responsive web design is designing a website for different screen sizes and resolutions. Therefore ensuring that when a patient opens your site on different devices it is the same smooth site as opposed to a jabbed mess. Smartphones and tablets are quickly becoming the access point for patients searching for medical information, which means if your site does not adapt you are in danger of losing a potential patient. Ensuring that your website delivers optimal user experience on computers, tablets and smartphones will ensure your practice’s professional image.




Flat Design

The implementing flat design on your website is achieved by creating a simple user interface by stripping all parts of the website down to the essential components for an optimal user experience. Using the simplicity of flat design allows your site to focus on usable consumer content. The simplicity also allows your website to tell a better story about your practice and the mission behind it. Flat design pairs with a modern minimalistic design using crisp typography and large background images to visually appeal your information to patients. The flat design also includes utilizing more whitespace to declutter information and give it a straight to business feeling. The combination of these elements gives the website a visually appealing layout with a professional business touch.


Navigation and Search Capabilities

In today’s world of web design, one of the most underused and essential functions of a website is easy navigation and a search bar. The search function allows a user to easily find any piece of information throughout your website. There is even the capability to allow your patients the ability to search specifically for topics such as doctors, services and more. However if a patient is not exactly sure what they are looking for it is important that they experience easy navigation throughout your site, which includes the placement and function of the navigation bar. Generally, sites have a stationary navigation bar that stays at the top of the page no matter how far you scroll down. This function becomes difficult to use as visitors might scroll all the way back up to visit a different part of the website. Having the navigation bar follow the user throughout their experience eases the navigability and use of the overall site. Movable navigation bars also work extremely well with flat design concepts furthering the professional feel of your site.




As much as patients trust physician judgments and advice, sometimes they want to hear the other side of the coin, from fellow patients. When searching for a new physician users want to hear about experiences and opinions from the patients that have already been treated. Those who can relate to their position and comfort their skepticisms. Patients can be your best ambassadors to convey a positive image on your practice. A first-time patient is more likely to listen to the peer-guided advice of a medical practice over a physician’s advice. Adding patient testimonials is an easy, free marketing tool to communicate your brand to anyone visiting your site.




Requesting Appointments

Finally, as you begin your transformation into the digital sphere make sure to protect your practice and patients by working with a HIPAA certified web designer who knows how to safely handle your information and elevates your practice.



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Ryan Flannagan

Ryan Flannagan is the Founder & CEO of Nuanced Media, an international eCommerce marketing agency specializing in Amazon. Nuanced has sold $100s of Millions online and Ryan has built a client base representing a total revenue of over 1.5 billion dollars. Ryan is a published author and has been quoted by a number of media sources such as BuzzFeed, CNBC, and Modern Retail.

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