Everything You Need to Know to Create an Amazon PPC Campaign

Written by: Ryan Flannagan
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How to Run a PPC Campaign on Amazon

If you are looking to drive sales on Amazon, then a PPC advertising campaign is one of the most effective techniques there is.

For the uninitiated, PPC stands for Pay-Per-Click advertising and allows you to advertise your products on Amazon to people who are actively looking to make a purchase rather than just browsing. Furthermore, you can target customers who are looking to buy products like yours, resulting in an even higher chance of you making a successful sale.

Finally, the most obvious benefit of PPC advertising is that you only pay when someone clicks on your ad rather than paying for the overall number of impressions.

One of the most popular forms of Amazon advertising, whether you are a new Amazon seller or an established one, you can benefit from running regular Amazon PPC campaigns.

Read on to discover how you can run a successful Amazon PPC campaign in just seven simple steps.

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    Step 1: Ensure You Meet the Relevant Criteria

    To run Amazon PPC ads, you need to meet certain criteria. Firstly, you need to have a seller account on Amazon. You also need to make sure that you have your shipping method organized, as every advertiser should be able to ship their products anywhere in the United States or, indeed, the world.

    Also, if you are looking to advertise using Sponsored Products, you need to meet the Buy Box eligibility criteria, and if you are planning to use a headline search ad, you must enroll in the Amazon Brand Registry service

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      Step 2: Choose the Right Type of PPC Ad

      Amazon offers several different types of PPC ads with varying targeting options. If you are new to Amazon, it can be a good idea to trial all the different types to see what works best for you and the products you sell. In particular, automatic targeting ads and manually targeted Sponsored Products ads are highly effective.

      When choosing your preferred types of PPC ads, it is important that you consider your daily budget as this will dictate which ones you are able to use and get the most out of.

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        Step 3: Select Which Products You Want to Promote

        The next step in creating the ultimate Amazon PPC campaign is to select which of your products you want to promote. When making this decision, it is important that you think about how your products will work together so that you can drive more sales and clicks.

        It is also worth noting that different types of products are suited to different types of PPC ads. For example, products that sell well can be used to provide brand awareness via Sponsored Brand ads. At the same time, low-ranking products are better suited to Sponsored Product ads.

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          Step 4: Carry Out Keyword Research

          Once you know what products you want to promote and which PPC ads you plan to use, you now need to select the relevant keywords. That is if you are creating manual campaigns rather than automatic campaigns in which Amazon automatically compiles a list of keywords for an ad based on your product.

          When it comes to carrying out keyword research, you can either do this yourself, or you can enlist the services of an Amazon consultant to do this for you.

          When researching keywords, make sure that you look for ones that match both your product and the search intent. It can also be useful to find negative keywords that eliminate bad leads and people who do not intend to make a purchase.

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            Step 5: Optimize Your Listings

            Now you are armed with your relevant keywords. The next step is to optimize your product listings with them for SEO purposes. SEO, which stands for search engine optimization, enables you to rank higher in organic search results on Amazon, which means your products are more visible to your target audience.

            You need to make sure that you incorporate your keywords into the title, product description, and product features, as this will ensure maximum visibility and help to boost your overall conversion rate. It can also be useful to add a keyword into your product images and the copy itself.

            Step 6: Create Your Campaign

            You are now ready to actually launch your first Amazon PPC campaign. To do this, simply follow the below steps:

            • Log into your Amazon seller account
            • Click on the Advertising tab
            • Select Create Campaign

            You now have to choose which type of PPC advertising you want to use: Sponsored Products, Brands, or Display. Once you have made your selection, you must now provide the following information:

            • The campaign name
            • The date you want to start the campaign
            • The date you want to end the campaign (optional)
            • Your daily campaign budget

            Following this, you can now choose your preferred targeting method and upload your keywords. If you choose manual targeting, you can use up to 1,000 keywords per ad group and you can choose from the following keyword targeting options:


            • Broad match
            • Phrase match
            • Exact match
            • Negative phrase
            • Negative exact match
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            Step 7: Submit Your Ads to Amazon

            The final step is to submit your ads to Amazon and wait for their approval to go ahead with your campaign. Typically, this process only takes a few hours, and once complete, your ad campaigns will go live, and you can start to monitor your performance and track your results.

            If there are any issues with your PPC campaign, Amazon will let you know about them so you can rectify them before they have an adverse effect on your campaign. Now is also the perfect time to make any necessary adjustments to your campaign so you can enjoy maximum return on investment (ROI).

            And there you have it – how to create the ultimate Amazon PPC campaign in only seven simple steps.

            Good luck and happy campaign-building!

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              Ryan Flannagan

              Ryan Flannagan is the Founder & CEO of Nuanced Media, an international eCommerce marketing agency specializing in Amazon. Nuanced has sold $100s of Millions online and Ryan has built a client base representing a total revenue of over 1.5 billion dollars. Ryan is a published author and has been quoted by a number of media sources such as BuzzFeed, CNBC, and Modern Retail.

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