Amazon Product Page: Best Practices, Keywords & More
Following Amazon product page best practices ensures a better roll out of your products on the site. It also helps you avoid problems that could derail the process or slow it down. Not only do you want a seamless process, but you also want to ensure your products are launched in the right manner to get the attention of your customers.
These Amazon product page best practices can help you to go from nothing to an exceptional page that gets attention and leads to sales.

#1: Research Your Target Audience
There may not be a more important step than this. From the images to the wording you use on your listings, it has to be geared towards the people most likely to buy your product. If your audience doesn’t understand all of the high-tech features you are listing, they are likely to move on to another listing that offers more insight and better clarity.
Your target audience is the group of people most likely to buy your product based on demographics, where they buy, what they buy, and so on. Define your target audience’s:
- Age
- Language
- Location
- Spending pattern
- Spending power
- Interests
- Challenges or problems you aim to solve
- Place in life
One of the best ways to break down this information for your Amazon customers is to use the following four areas.
Demographic Segmentation:
Amazon customers are typically between the ages of 25 and 50 with most falling into the mid-range of that group. They have internet access.
Situational Segmentation:
These buyers use Amazon for convenience, but are still interested in new products. They are also looking for deals and savings opportunities, especially since Amazon has become recognized for pricing discounts that change often.

Psychographic Segmentation:
Amazon buyers are loyal – they come back to brands they buy and love as well as Amazon for many of their needs. They also like innovations and new services, but they need to see the value in anything you provide. They expect a customer-first approach.
Geographic Segmentation:
Amazon has an international appeal and provides an opportunity for consumers to buy from many more sellers. Consumers like that. There are some buyers who will seek out products from companies doing socially good work.
Does your product fit into these categories? Define the most likely customer for your business. Who is going to buy your product? How can you ensure you meet each of these segmentations in what customers want and expect from Amazon?
#2: Figure Out Your Inventory and Management Early On
Before you launch your Amazon products, you need to know how you plan to manage the process. Decades ago, you may have been able to set up a shop in your garage and send products to your customers as they ordered them. Today, that’s harder to do because of the sheer size of Amazon. That’s why you’ll want to consider two key options: FBA and FBM.

Fulfillment by Amazon, or FBA, is the most common option for many organizations. It gives you robust features and allows you to take advantage of Amazon’s fulfillment centers. You send your product to Amazon’s centers, they process and send out your product when a customer buys from you. It is a straightforward process, but does sometimes cost more than doing it yourself. Some of the key advantages come in the way of managing customer complaints and returns.
Fulfillment by Merchant, or FBM, is the second option. This is the route many people want to use because it typically costs less. There is a lot more work in the process for you. If you already have a warehouse of product and you have the people to manage it, FBM can work well for you. It allows you to sell products on Amazon but then you manage all of the product storage, inventory, customer support, and shipping. If you don’t want to use FBA but you don’t want to do the work either, you can use a third party to manage this process for you.
To use FBA:
- Make sure you have time to get your products to Amazon before your listing goes live.
- Ensure you’ve met all requirements for FBA.

To use FBM:
- Set up a third-party warehouse to manage your inventory
- Be sure you have a logistics company set up to manage the shipping process
You’ll also need to meet some additional goals before you are ready to launch your listing. This includes:
- Ensuring you have enough stock available to start shipping immediately (remember, Amazon customers expect fast shipping)
- Determine your price point. To do this, you’ll need to determine the costs of the production of your product. You also need to determine what it will cost you to ship and manage your inventory. Finally, take a closer look at what your competition is charging. That’s likely around the target price your customers are willing to pay.
#3: Conduct Keyword Research and Determine Keywords to Target
The next big step is to apply Amazon keyword best practices. Keywords are one of the most confusing aspects of Amazon product listings, but they don’t have to be.
Start with using a few keyword tools to help you with the process. This really does make it a lot easier to navigate to the best Amazon keywords for your product. Here are some recommendations to help you:
- Ahrefs Site Explorer – This tool gets a lot of props for being able to provide very specific insight on which keywords are bringing buyers to Amazon product pages. This comes from organic searches, some of the most important. You can also use it to see what position the page is on in the Search Engine Results Page for each keyword.
- MerchantWords – This is another favorite when it comes to Amazon because it provides a very easy-to-use format. You don’t need to be an expert at SEO to use this tool or to understand how it works. It can also provide nice longer tail keywords related to your products.
- Scientific Seller – This is a free tool to use (which is always a good thing for startups). It is also pretty easy to use and accurate. It is a bit more cumbersome to use, but it can provide Amazon sellers with clear data.

These are just a few of the options available to you. There are many others. Keep in mind that one of the most popular options – Google Keyword Planner – does not work well because it is based on Google searchers rather than Amazon. That’s also an Amazon keywords best practices tip – always use a keyword tool designed for Amazon not just Google.
Narrow down your options carefully. Once you have a list of keywords to choose from, you don’t want to fill your pages with them. Instead, narrow down those to the most likely to relate to your product. This isn’t the place for competitor names. There are a few things to consider when choosing keywords:
- Don’t go after the big competition – look for keywords less used but still relevant.
- Don’t incorporate keywords that are misleading.
- Choose those relating to your product specifically.
- Understand parent-child relationships in keywords related to your products.
- Try and then try again. You may need to use a variety of keywords to get results.
Understanding Variant Keywords
Another Amazon product page best practice has to do with variant keywords. It is important to include keywords that relate to each variant in a product family. For instance, if each variant has a different option for color, size, etc., you will want to include keywords that relate to each of those variants.
Now that you have the Amazon listing best practices down for keywords, you will need to work on drafting the listing copy. Keep your keywords in hand. Then, work to write product descriptions that convert. Here are some steps to do that.
Keep it to the Point: There’s no value in providing so much information that it overwhelms the buyer. At the same time, you need to provide enough information to ensure they have what they need to make a buying decision. Confused?
It is most important to get to the point quickly in your copy.
Remove superfluous words from the page.
Put important information at the top of the list.
Remove any type of modifier from a sentence if it doesn’t need it.
Use specifics rather than “some” or “more.” Remove the word “very” from the content.
Keep sentences as short as possible. Readers do better with short sentences.

The wording you use is also important from another perspective. Skip the science and tech. Write in the same way your reader talks. You need the reader to get the information you are providing in a clear, cohesive way. Don’t write it so your office worker by your side gets it. Write it so that your customer understands how the product benefits them.
It’s also critical to work to develop a buyer persona (using the demographics listed above) to tailor your wording. What is going to resonate with your most likely buyer? Are they likely to appreciate tongue-in-cheek comments or do they need facts and figures to make decisions?
Utilize your customers for some help, too. What are they saying in their reviews about your product? What are they telling you they need from you? Creating a problem-solution setup works well for product listings. Tell them how your product can solve their problem.
Take a few minutes to check out our optimization guide for your product listing pages. It’s full of Amazon listing best practices you can appreciate and apply to this step in the process.
#4: Tackle the Title Next
There are also a few Amazon title best practices to keep in mind. These are essential to get right to get people to click on the product listing. You want authentic clicks – people who really do want to buy what you are offering. Never be misleading, then, in your product descriptions. The main title needs to clearly tell the reader what they are looking at within the page.
Let’s description the product title requirements:
- You have just 200 characters including spaces.
- You cannot use promotional phrases in your title. That includes things like “free shipping” or “100 percent guarantee.”
- Do not include any type of characters for decoration such as using ! *, ? or $ – or any other example.
- Include product-identifying information such as what the product is.

The Product Features
The product features for any listing page are in a bullet list format. These are displayed on the listing often next to the images of the products. Called the key product features, these should specifically show how the product relates directly to the customer. It should also answer most of the customers’ biggest questions.
The rules for features include:
- Start each with a capital letter
- Never use end punctuation
- Format them as sentence fragments
- Use between 10 and 255 characters for each bullet
- Utilize semicolons to separate phrases in a bullet point
- Do not include company information or any links
A few more Amazon product page best practices for your bullets include these:
- Focus on quality bullets, not a huge number of them
- Do not over do it on the keywords
- Ensure it is easy to read
- Write for the customer, not the search engines
- Benefit-first setup is best

Write the Product Description
The product description is located under the images. It is a larger section that provides you with more space to write out what you want the customer to know. This is where the bulk of your information needs to be communicated. Your goal is simple – make the customer want what you are selling.
Here are some Amazon listing best practices for this section:
- Don’t repeat what you put into your bullets.
- Expand the content from the bullets if you can and need to do so for clarity.
- Keep a conversational tone with your reader. Help them see what the benefits of the product are to them.
- Make the first 200 characters count – everything else could be below the fold.
- Include product specifics here that help your buyer make a buying decision.
- Balance keywords – ensure you are providing good quality information not just a series of keywords.
- Include real-life uses and examples of how the product works. Bring your product to life.
#5: Create Product Listing Images
The next step is to incorporate images. Images are your way of painting the picture for the customer. They need to be clearly understood and beautiful photos.

We won’t list all of Amazon’s rules about photos (there are plenty of them), but it is important that you review them as a first step. Then, consider these best practices for images.

Main Image
This is the image most people will see first. It will be the image they click on, hopefully, to get to your page. Make sure to meet these goals:
- The product should make up at least 85 percent of the space in the photo.
- Aim for 1500 x 1500 pixels
- Be sure it is well-lit for clarity
Make sure your image is interesting and clearly understood. It has to be on a white background but that doesn’t mean it has to be boring.

Annotated Image Highlighting Features
Consider the use of an image that highlights the features of your product. You can create an annotated image that highlights key features or specifications of the product. That helps to tell the story of what this product does in various ways.

Lifestyle Image
Put your product to use. Capture images of your product being used showing the benefits it offers. That’s important – be sure you show the benefits of what happens when someone uses that product. Your images should be clear and easy to understand even while communicating these features.
Finally, be sure to choose professional photos. There’s nothing hard to understand here – choose a photographer that specializes in Amazon product listings for the best results.
#6: Launch on Amazon
The final step is to launch your product listing on Amazon, but that’s not where the process ends. You have a few more best practices to keep in mind as you work towards the goal of launching a successful listing.
After you go live, consider these Amazon product listing best practices.

Reply to Reviews Fast
It’s always important to know where your product stands. Reviews are incredibly valuable to buyers on the site. They want to know if the product is worth their money. When you get reviews, respond to them in a positive and upbeat way. If the product was not good for the buyer, apologize, and find a way to make it right. Don’t mistrust reviewers or call them out negatively. Be honest, provide the facts, and ask them to reach out to you for more help. Remember, other buyers are reading your replies.

Answer Customer Questions
One of the nice things about Amazon is that it allows you a way to communicate directly with customers. They looked at your product, thought about buying, and had questions. You can respond to these questions with clarity and insight. Remember, if one person is asking the question that may mean others have the same question. You don’t want misinformation or missing information to cause a sale not to happen.

Maintain Your Inventory
No matter if you use the FBA or FBM system, you need to keep the product in place. If there is some disruption, communicate that as soon as possible. Amazon doesn’t like when sellers run out of products or are misleading to customers about delivery times. Again, this is a big selling point for buying on Amazon over other eCommerce sites.

Work to Get Seller Feedback
Your next step is to reach out to customers to ask them for reviews. You can do this using Amazon’s tools. It is a very efficient method for getting people back to the site to write what they have to say. This is also an important way to learn more about your products and how well they are working for your customers.
Getting seller feedback is critical. It is not always easy though. That’s why we recommend making this a priority moving forward with your listing.

Come Back to Optimize
Every few months, come back to your product listing to optimize it again. Keywords and SEO changes over time. You want to stay at the top of the game here. That means reviewing, updating, researching your keywords again, and then building onto your listing. This can help to ensure you are getting the best outcome in the long term.

You Don’t Have to Do It on Your Own
Need some help with the process? Still have some questions?
Nuanced Media has the professionals at hand to help you achieve the best product listings available today. Reach out to us today to learn more about how to use our Amazon best practices for your listings.

Ryan Flannagan is the Founder & CEO of Nuanced Media, an international eCommerce marketing agency specializing in Amazon. Nuanced has sold $100s of Millions online and Ryan has built a client base representing a total revenue of over 1.5 billion dollars. Ryan is a published author and has been quoted by a number of media sources such as BuzzFeed, CNBC, and Modern Retail.